The Novels
현대 시리즈 소설 하프 라이프 기획, 연구, 글쓰기, 편집 등 다양한 단계에 있습니다.
1권: 하프 라이프
A glamorous young woman in Seoul is attempting to avoid an arranged marriage. An isolated middle-aged woman in rural Ireland has received a letter in Korean. Through a series of coincidences, they meet in Seoul and discover astonishing connections. Fate drives them each to choose between the safety of conformity and the risky freedom of unconventional lives—and loves—that they were told they could never have.
2권: 형제자매의 경쟁
For a K-pop idol, compulsory military service has opened a window into another world, leading him to question his life’s purpose. His sister struggles with the stigma of being outspokenly single by choice. When the idol suggests the solution is simple, the siblings’ relationship implodes. Separately, they grapple with the tension between personal desire and the expectations of family and society.
3권: 먼 시야
아일랜드 작가의 첫 소설이 K-드라마 시리즈로 제작되고 있습니다. 주연 배우가 하차하면서 제작은 혼란에 빠집니다. 작가의 예술적 비전이 대인관계 및 경제적 힘과 충돌하면서 작가는 통제가 환상이라는 것을 뼈저리게 깨닫게 됩니다.